Online resources for browsing the HL7v2 specification

The HL7v2 specification is available for download from the HL7 website as a PDF document. The PDF document is a great resource for searching for specific information, but it is not very useful for browsing the specification. The following links provide online resources for browsing the HL7v2 specification.

Links for browsing the HL7v2 specification

Frank Oemig's HTML version of the specificationAvailable for versions 2.1 through 2.9.
HL7v2+ demo siteOnly available for version HL7v2+.
HL7v2+ demo site (draft)Only available for version HL7v2+.'s HTML version of the specificationAvailable for versions 2.1 through 2.9.
Caristix HL7-Definition V2Available for versions 2.1 through 2.8.
HAPI library's JavaDocAvailable for versions 2.1 through 2.8.1.
Schemas used by the Redox HL7v2 parser/generator
HL7v2 Spec ViewerAvailable for versions 2.1 through 2.8.

See also

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